About us

Diataxis tech used to be the IT department of Diataxis Ltd.
As we strive to move forward, we decided to take the department to the next level, incorporated in 2021 to better serve the founders vision: accelerating future!

Theodoros Vasileiadis is the CEO, while he still holds the CTO title at the parent company, which is now more concetrated on engineering.

Field of expertise
Diataxis tech specializes on the web technologies: website developement, mobile applications, e-commerce and digital strategy.

Our headquarters are in Greece. Most of our clients are in Greece and Bulgaria, but we provide solutions and support around Europe having running projects in Switzerland and Ireland.
Vast majority of our work is delivered to the private sector; only a small fractal is consumed by local goverment or public institutions.

Cloud infrastracture
We trust Miscrosft Azure for new projects, while maintaining some on AWS and still use a few hardware servers located in data centers in Germany.